Our Blog

What is Osteopathy? Qualifications, Training, and the Live Well Team
WHAT DOES AN OSTEOPATH DO? Osteopathy is a field of health care that focuses on the interrelationship between the body’s systems and how the musculoskeletal system supports overall health. An Osteopath

Osteopathy Treatment: Live Well Health Centre
At Live Well Health Centre our core philosophy is simple: “honest care above all else.” We are dedicated to providing you with compassionate, individualized Osteopathy treatment that prioritizes your health

Take your glute stretch to a new level with the Pigeon pose. Why we love this stretch!
What is it? The Pigeon pose is a great stretch that isn’t as well known to our patients as we would like. It stretches through the thighs, back, groin, piriformis

Harnessing Rotational Strength for Tennis Success
In the world of tennis, where every move counts, players are always on the lookout for ways to up their game. One often overlooked but crucial aspect? Rotational strength. As an

Breastfeeding; a pain in the neck and shoulders
Those who have breastfeed know the incredible joy and bonding experience that it can create between mum and baby, but also the strain and toll it can take on your

Why Do My Knees Roll In & How Do I Fix It?
Knock-knees are when the legs deviate inward at the knees, causing the ankles to be wide apart when standing (1,2). They are very common in children and can be a

Should I come to see my Osteo if I am pregnant?
At Live Well Health Centre, most of our Osteopaths have a particular interest in women’s health, especially throughout pregnancy. But is it actually safe? During pregnancy a woman’s body goes

Should I be stretching and when?
As Osteopaths we’re constantly being asked about the appropriate time to be completing stretches whether that is before or after exercising, differences between stretches and for how long these stretches

Foam Roller VS Spiky Ball
While many of you have seen the spiky balls and foam rollers around Live Well Health Centre, you may not know what they can do or what the differences are

Understanding the Debilitating Impact of Headaches
Have you ever experienced a headache? If so, you comprehend the sheer debilitation it can bring. Recent research by ‘Headache and Migraine Australia’ unveiled that within the past year, 4.9 million Australians

Shoulder pain common causes
25% of Australians over the age of 20 will experience pain in the shoulder during their lifetime (2) and up to 67% may suffer from shoulder pain by the time

As Pilates instructors, we often hear patients say that they think their core is weak because they can not see their 6-pack abs, or that they do a lot of